What Is the Review of Literature in a Science Fair

iRubric: Science Fair Project Literature Review rubric

iRubric: Science Fair Project Literature Review rubric

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4 pts


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ii pts


1 pts

Topic Selection


Topic of the paper is clearly defined. Research focus has been narrowed by specific criteria. The state-of-the-art may be clearly given within the newspaper'south length.


Topic is specific enough that the pupil can give proper treatment within the given length. Student may still demand to narrow the focus by applying specific criteria to eliminate unnecessary information.


Student has narrowed the topic somewhat. Further research may pb to a ameliorate topic selection.


Topic is very general and has no focus. Scope of the paper is so broad it is impossible to give proper treatment within the given length.



Relevant research is reviewed, from seminal early works to the latest current developments. The articles reviewed are clearly inter-related and build upon each other to prove how we take progressed to the current state-of-the-art.


A good general review of the literature is included, covering nigh of the seminal early on papers and the nigh relevant electric current papers. Papers reviewed are cohesive and inter-related.


Articles reviewed had some relation to each other and to the called topic. Keyword search may demand to be refined.


Research articles reviewed are scattered and unrelated. Student clearly did not filter out irrelevant articles and instead summarized the top "web hits".



Ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose of the newspaper. Paragraphs contain one topic sentence, and supporting sentences clearly period from ane to the other. Paragraphs as well are clearly linked to each other. The reader can easily follow the paper.


Writing is logically organized to back up the key purpose. Paragraphs contain only 1 master thought, with each paragraph supporting the others. The reader can follow the construction of the paper and understands the writer's intentions.


In general, writing is logically organized. Occasionally paragraphs comprise more than one main idea or incorporate sentences unrelated to the main thought. Some support and period among paragraphs. Reader has a fairly articulate idea of what the writer intends.


Writing is not logically organized. Paragraphs lack topic sentences and may contain more than one major idea. Paragraphs and sentences do non support each other.

Sentence Structure


Sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and construction. They menstruation smoothly from 1 to another.


Sentences are well-phrased and there is some variety in length and construction. Catamenia from sentence to sentence is generally smoothen.


Some sentences are awkwardly synthetic then that the reader is occasionally distracted.


Errors in judgement structure are frequent plenty to exist a major distraction to the reader

Grammer, spelling, punctuation


Writing is costless or nigh free of errors.


At that place are occasional errors, but they are not likewise distracting and exercise non obscure the pregnant of the sentence.


Newspaper has many distracting errors. Perhaps some editing did occur.


There are and then many errors the meaning is obscured. Student obviously did not proof read the paper at all.

Use of References


Compelling evidence from legitimate sources are given. Attribution is clear and fairly represented.


Professionally legitimate sources are generally present and attribution is, for the most function, clear and fairly represented. Student fabricated a skilful try at citing sources.


Although attributions are occasionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated. Sources of data are unclear.


Pupil failed to cite sources. Very few references given throughout newspaper, even though the content clearly did not originate from the student.

Quality of References


References are primarily peer-reviewed professional person journals or other approved sources. Reader is confident that information and ideas can be trusted.


Bulk of the references cited are from peer-reviewed sources. Accuracy of some sources may not be verifiable but are generally regarded as legitimate. Minimal employ of Wikipedia.


Most of the references are from sources that are not peer-reviewed. Accurateness of the material is unable to be substantiated.


Virtually no professionally reliable sources. Random websites with no qualifications are references. The Wikipedia appeared to exist the only source.


  • technical writing, literature review, science, engineering

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Source: https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?sp=true&code=F87478&

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