Verbs and Expressions That Use the Infinitive Continued Answers

Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #105732: Infinitive, continued !

Infinitive, continued !

As we have seen in lesson 105721 test the infinitive clause is built following this construction :

SUBJECT + VERBE 1+ COMPLEMENT + COMPLETE INFINITIVE of Verb 2 (the complement is the subject of verb 2)


We have studied how to build this clause with verbs of willpower, order, preference, and refusal. Building to want, was especially problematic to you ... I hope you can do it easily now ...

ex : The students didn't want the teacher to give them a test ...

ex : The policeman ordered me to show him my ID.

ex : I'd prefer him to give me an answer immediately.

The INFINITIVE CLAUSE is also used :

1) To invite people to act (or not to act if the verb is in the negative) after many verbs : to invite - to advise - to allow - to permit - to enable - to help - to teach (how to) - to challenge - to encourage - to persuade - to ask - to requireto request - to beg - to implore - to urge - to press - to warn

ex : I advise you to revise your lesson before doing your exercises.

ex : Patricia's mother asked the kids to tidy up their rooms before going out.

ex : He implored/begged/urged his parents not to punish him this time ....

2) An infinitive clause is also used to express expectation, or to use verbs expressing confidence : to expect - to wait for - to depend on him to - to rely - to trust

ex : She expects you not to make noise while she's working.

ex : I'm waiting for you to come to meet me.

ex : The little boy relies on you to help him cross that dangerous road.

3)Some infinitive clauses do NOT depend on verbs :

* after expressions like : It's time (for them to ...) ; There's no need (for him to ...).

ex : There's no need for you to come with her ... She's old enough to come alone.

* to express a goal, a purpose (introduced by 'for'):

ex : I've left the window open for the cat to come in ...

* In 'impersonal expressions', used with 'for',  following a great number of adjectives : it's difficult, easy, hard, impossible, important, natural, necessary, usual, unusual, vital ...

ex : It will be necessary for them to go to the Embassy right away.

ex : It's too hard for him to repeat what he doesn't understand.

ex : It's unusual for my sister to be up so early !

Ready ? In the following exercise, we'll follow a fan's fight to get his ticket to a Dream Show on Broadway ... I hope you'll find that easy ...

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I so generous to me for my birthday : He has offered me two tickets to a show on Broadway, and here I am, with my vouchers, to get my tickets for tomorrow night.
I my dream, and he did, in an extraordinary way ... It I would go to a show on Broadway, but here I am, now, , and the tickets I'll have will : 'Wicked', my Dream show, with my best friend.
Nigel very early and be ready to wait for long ... and said it would really the desired tickets. All it required was , and wait in the middle of this huge line, pushed and jostled in all ways ... the famous Sesames : I for what I really wanted ... My parents and so had Nigel. Soon, I'd be holding that door-opener and tomorrow I'll think that after all, it , to see those wonders, to feel that thrill ... Being trampled on was well worthwhile ...

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